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    Surgical Screening

    What’s Involved in a Surgical Screening Assessment?

    Are you wondering if surgery will relieve your symptoms? Do you have chronic pain that hasn’t been successfully treated by physiotherapy? Would you like a more detailed evaluation of your injury? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will benefit from an surgical screening assessment.

    Surgical screening assessments are conducted by Laurie McLaughlin, who has successfully completed more than 5,000 surgical consults. Each diagnostic assessment involves several important steps, including a detailed review of your medical history, pain symptoms, diagnostic images, an evaluation of your range of motion and the status of your circulatory and nervous systems.

    Laurie McLaughlin will share the results of her assessment with you and make recommendations for the next steps in your recovery process. Recommendations may include:

    1. A referral to a physiotherapist with advanced training for a customized program tailored to your needs.
    2. Should surgery be indicated, surgeons in Hamilton, London, Kitchener, and Mississauga have agreed to see patients screened by our program in a timely fashion.
    3. Further diagnostic testing.
    4. Online surgical consults with our associates at Health City Cayman Islands can also be arranged.

    To learn more about these specialized assessments or to make a patient referral, please contact us using the form below.

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